Friday, October 21, 2011

7 Quick Takes October 21 2011

--- 1 ---

This past week, through my website,  we published our first video!  We did this in response to the fact that my son still does not know his letters, but yet can tell me minute details about anything "Star Wars".  I'm sure you all have kids like that...don't you?  It was a fun time and we are trying to think of other ideas for fun videos that would be helpful to people!

--- 2 ---

So what do you think?

--- 3 ---

My upcoming organizational workbook, "A Plan for Joy in the Home" is still in production.  I've seen the sketches for the chapters and they are awesome.  I'm hoping to have this done in time for the new year, when everyone vows to have an organized life and needs a great tool to ensure their success!

--- 4 ---

I was asked to promote this upcoming movie.  I have read some good reviews and a few questionable ones.  I haven't seen it yet, so I can't put my two cents in.

On Friday, October 21, THE MIGHTY MACS is an inspiring true story coming to theaters nationwide. As the story unfolds, the characters display positive traits such as faith, honesty, teamwork, perseverance and trust – things that all parents, teachers and coaches all try to instill in children. Best of all, it’s a movie that the entire family will enjoy!

--- 5 ---

We've been tossing around words like "apocryphal" and "deuterocanonical" this week.  Let me tell you, understanding them has been enough to make my head spin.  To think my high schoolers are trying to figure this stuff out!  When I was that age, I can guarantee you I'd never even heard words like that, let alone tried to understand them.

--- 6 ---

This week in the land of other businesses...we're starting to plan for our goat milk soap Christmas specials.  We've got some great fall scents right now and we're working on getting them up on the website.  Hopefully soon we will have our ordering capabilities available :)  I also had a chance to edit a family photo taken by someone else.  That was load's of fun!  In the world of Reliv, we've been talking about setting up business networking luncheon's.  Right up my alley of organizing events, so I can't wait to get into it!  Do any of you have businesses that you try to run while homeschooling?

--- 7 ---

Have a great weekend.  We've got college football and a High Mass planned...some good fall weather stuff and some "good for the soul" stuff.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!