Thursday, December 3, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

After a week of hard work (with still some residual stuff from the barn to move) we are finally settling into our new home. While this was not a move we necessarily wanted to make, we are definitely grateful that all went well and that everyone seems to be adjusting nicely. God has been infinitely generous with us in finding us a good home that we can all fit in! Not only that (remember, He can NEVER be outdone in generosity) He has again found us a home on 5 acres with a wonderful view of trees and a small pond! Just so we don't feel homesick, there's a corn field across the street.

For now, as I return to unpacking the 100,000 boxes that we've moved, I will leave you with two pictures. The first is what I see out my back window:

And this one is one of my favorite places in the house!

Wishing you a prayerful First Week of Advent.

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